Vol. 12 Presenter: Charlotte McKernan





This talk explores human artifacts in the built environment through the lens of “Modernology,” Street Observation, and other forms of participatory placemaking and street-level urban engagement. By focusing on a photograph of a cluttered roofline in downtown Santa Fe, I examine observable human-scale growth in our surroundings. All the modifications, additions, and changes to the dense buildings in downtown Santa Fe are chronicled in these equipment, finishes, and assorted roof-junk. In the words of Wajiro Kon, what can we learn from a playful examination of the “archaeology of present times”?


Charlotte McKernan is an intern architect at DNCA. Her work explores complex problems through interdisciplinary research and design. She was raised in Santa Fe and completed programs of study in Japan and Switzerland. She loves getting lost in places, in thought, in her work, in research, in good books, and in companionable silences. Her background is in communications, computer programming, and environmental research.