Call for Presenters—Vol. 7 Profit



New Proposal Due Date: June 15

This quarter's theme, Profit, unsettled our PK team even before the era of COVID-19 and the world's laser focus on inequality. If PechaKucha is designed to bring people together, what does it mean to dwell on the explicit separation of producers from the produce? The Haves and the Have-nots? Can profit transcend capital? Does community spirit enhance or preclude profit? Though some of these questions are hard to look at, it feels harder to look away. Better to consider hard questions in the company of curious, creative friends.

In our usual manner, we invite our interdisciplinary line-up of presenters to expand the scope of this contentious word—Profit. We welcome exploration of this concept beyond its noun form, into its adjectival self—actions and endeavors that maximize profitable (as in beneficial) outcomes.

To help ensure the safety of our community, Vol. 7 Profit will be hosted as a virtual event on Wednesday, July 22 at 6pm via Zoom. Though registration is required, it is free of charge. Reserve your digital seat here.

There is still time to submit your proposal to be a part of the Vol. 7 Profit presenter line-up. If you have a body of work, stories or perspectives to share with Santa Fe, we want to hear about it! Email us an up to 200-word summary of your take on this theme, along with a 150-word bio, by this coming Monday, June 15.

This event is hosted by Friends of Architecture Santa Fe, and sponsored by Six Blooms, and Violet Crown.